I was born
in 1967 in southern Kurdistan and originally trained as
a chemistry teacher at Mosul University in Iraq. My
interest in art began in my teenage years and has since
developed into a passion. In 1990, I held my first solo
exhibition at the university, where I presented drawings
made with pencil, ink pen and colored pens.
In early 1996, I fled to Denmark. At that time, there
was an art workshop in Sandholm camp, where the
residents had the opportunity to draw and paint. I took
full advantage of this opportunity and worked
intensively in the workshop, which eventually resulted
in an exhibition on site. Later, in 2012, some of my
drawings from that period were exhibited in two art
buses – an experience that was a great success.
In 2013, I made a conscious decision to immerse myself
even more in art and develop my love for ink as a
medium. I continue to experiment with new techniques in
order to achieve the most satisfying results. In my
drawings, I deal with different themes and strive to
find a personal expression through lines, inkblots,
surfaces and shapes.
Some works are created after long deliberation, while
others arise spontaneously at the moment the pen or ink
meets the paper. I like to compose my images with
carefully selected elements and consciously work to
create a composition that catches the viewer's eye. Just
as we value some things more than others in life, in my
works I choose to delve into details in certain areas,
while others remain more sketchy and minimalist.
Occasionally I include Kurdish script in my works, so
that text and image merge into a whole. I often draw
inspiration from poetry, songs and proverbs, as I
believe that writing adds an extra dimension of beauty
and meaning. For me, it is fascinating to give life to
letters and highlight their aesthetic qualities - the
more you look at them, the more beautiful they become.